Prepare for PSLE

For many parents and children, the PSLE can seem like an insurmountable obstacle in your child’s education. Without proper preparation, your child may not perform as well as he or she could, especially if you are aiming for the top score of five H2s. That’s why it’s important to make sure your child is as prepared as possible before taking the exam, and that means giving him or her all the tools needed to do well in school before they even step foot in secondary school.

Table of Contents

1. Targeted practice

Undeniably, practice is key when it comes to getting your child ready for their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). However, it’s important that you don’t just throw them into a classroom and let them do whatever they want. Instead, you should focus on targeted practice which you can find here This means that you should aim to work on specific aspects of your child’s learning abilities and skillset. For example, if your child struggles with Math but excels in English, then you should spend more time working on Math than English. The idea here is to improve upon areas where your child isn’t performing well while maintaining what he or she already knows how to do well. In other words, there’s no point in trying to teach something new if your kid has already mastered it; use that time to strengthen weaker areas instead.

2. Consider a 360-perspective of your kid

PSLE is a nerve-wracking time, so much so that parents often forget to consider how stressful it can be for their kids too. It’s important to help your kid cope with any stress she may be feeling during PSLE preparation be it from the extra study, pressure from herself or her teachers or peer group, or just nerves. By helping your child remain calm and focused on his studies, you’ll allow him more freedom of mind in tackling difficult exams questions.

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3. Help the kid be better than the day before

It may sound cliche, but truly it’s a simple formula: every day get one percent better than you were before. A month from now, if you apply that daily improvement, you will be over 30 percent better than when you started. In six months, that percentage will be excellent!

4. Set and follow targets

If you’re serious about helping your child do well in school, setting targets is essential. This can also be applied to other areas of life, including sports and social skills. For example, you can set a target of brushing teeth twice a day or following a house rule like putting away toys after playing with them. Following these targets will lead to better performance on tests and much less stress at home. It’s easy to check off each completed task when you have it written down!

5. Change mindsets

From an early age, teach your child about goals and effort. Help him set realistic targets and follow them. Teach him that with enough effort, he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. This is a valuable lesson for both schoolwork and life, in general, there are no rewards without effort!

Final word

In a nutshell, it’s all about mindset. The moment you think you can’t do it, that’s when you fail. Instead of thinking in terms of what your child cannot do, focus on what he or she can do instead. When you have that positive mindset and attitude, your child will be better able to achieve his or her goals.

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Originally posted 2022-04-12 08:54:18.

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